Board of Directors

Officers and Directors

Service on the SIR Board of Directors is a high honor and great responsibility. Board members develop strategic plans, lead the activities of the association and ensure its financial viability. Board members represent the needs of the entire association above their own or their organizations.

Board nominations typically occur in the winter/spring and are voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting at the SIR Annual Conference.

Constitution and By-Laws

The SIR Constitution and By-Laws govern the actions of the Society and outline the relative responsibilities of the Board of Directors. Amendments and additions to these documents are voted upon at the Annual Membership Meeting at the SIR Annual Conference.

Mike Myers
Past President, SIR

“Serving as SIR President has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career. It's been an honor working with so many industry leaders to make a positive impact on the association and the industry. SIR will always be part of my extended family."




Amelia S. Fitch, CPCU, MSIM LinkedIn

Vice President - Education & Educational Outreach

Eryn Campbell
Regulatory Research Services Manager
National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Vice President - Annual Conference

Jennifer Chase
Market Research Analyst
American Financial Group

Vice President - Membership

Martin Ellingsworth
Executive Managing Director

Vice President - Marketing

Pam Granzin
Manager, Marketing & Communications
SCOR Life and Health U.S

Vice President - Strategy

Patrick Sturgeon
F&I Sales Lead

Vice President - Research

Justin Suter
Research Manager
Corporate Insight, Inc.


Boris Shoykhet
AVP Product Strategy
Protective Life


Richard Skyba
Director Product Development & Market Insights
Moda Partners, Inc.

Vice President - Diversity & Inclusion

Theo Fielding
Sr. Manager of Competitive Intelligence
Progressive Casualty Group

Vice President - Workshop

Waverly Weinberg, FFSI, CRPS
Retail Distribution & Market Intelligence


Laura Glaser
Strategic Initiatives Consultant
The Hanover Insurance Group


Neelam Paharia
Director, Business Intelligence
Allstate Insurance Company


Lorrin Rondeau
Regional Product Manager


Austin Tucker
Property Risk Manager

Continuing Director

Vickie Kilgore
Assistant Vice President
The Institutes / Insurance Research Council

Immediate Past President

Micheal Myers, CIP I, CIP II LinkedIn Twitter
Lead Competitive Intelligence Analyst